CLEVELAND—Bemoaning the exhausting pattern into which his existence seemed to have fallen, local man Matthew Taylor told reporters Wednesday that he felt like his whole life was just an endless cycle of working, eating, sleeping, getting abducted by aliens, and then going to work again. “Pretty much every day I roll out of bed, eat breakfast, head to the office, get beamed aboard the Kluforian mothership for medical analysis, and then go home—like, is this the rest of my life?” said Taylor, who sighed as he imagined the decades slipping away with week after week of drinking his morning coffee, leaving for the office grind, getting anally probed during his lunch break, sitting in on sales meetings, and then falling asleep after a few hours of bad TV and possibly more anal probing if the Grand Katarka Simblian Vinaroon demanded it. “It’s just this endless rigamarole of getting stuck in traffic, making small talk with coworkers, waking up on a table as a hooded extraterrestrial peels open my abdomen with a plasmoid scalpel, heating up another lousy frozen meal, and shoveling it in my face. Sheesh. At some point you have to ask yourself: What does this all add up to?” Taylor concluded that his only hope was that his existence served some higher purpose that he was unaware of, but that the invading Garacean-13 galactic fleet understood perfectly.