'Trains basically drive themselves now': 22 Jobs on a Fast-Track to Extinction in the Next 10 Years

The Internet has made a lot of jobs obsolete. It seemed in the 90s that the entire focus of the workforce shifted, attempting to DotCommify every facet of our lives. While we can’t do everything online, by now we’ve done a pretty good job of migrating almost every facet of our human world onto computers. How quickly things can change!

But that’s been the history of humanity since forever, pivoting and adopting new technology that renders it’s predecessors obsolete. Like Marty McFly, we wonder if we could have gone back in time to take bets on the outcomes of the future, wagering which industries would flourish and which would flop. But 10 years from now, can we predict what jobs will (and won’t) still be around? Redditors have certainly tried to speculate…

Train conductors, courtroom typists, and grocery store clerks are rapidly going extinct. Replaced by the likes of robots and technological advancement, now we don’t need a real human doing these tasks. Not to say that every job is at risk, we just have to, like the humans before us always have, pivot.

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